
How to get unsullied gear
How to get unsullied gear

As the corner begins to open out, the E22 is nicely middle-of-track. I can’t see this dance from up on the bank – but I can see the result. The black and gold car zeroes into an early apex – “extends the straight,” in Rob Wilson-parlance – then hugs the inside as the driver trades brake pedal for steering rotation. Pastor Maldonado is one of the first to run hard through Turn 4. I’ll just have to wait,” he adds with a sparkle. “It won’t work,” he says, shading his eyes against the early-morning sun. Jimbo Foley, ace cameraman, is shuffling his feet beside his huge hyrdraulic hoist. Gone, too, is the big grandstand between Turn 4 and Turn 9, replaced, inevitably, by a string of impossibly-expensive “merchandise” shops, a roast chicken stall that never seems to open and a bouncy castle (additional fee required). There are very few spectators lining the bank on the outside of Turn 4 this Friday, which is sad because it’s a long corner with plenty of scope for improvisation.

how to get unsullied gear how to get unsullied gear how to get unsullied gear

Unsullied at T4 Barcelona’s Turn 4, that is, on a warm, captivating Friday

How to get unsullied gear